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Writers block

Tonight I had the opportunity to practice with the band Ryan up at the church and it was my first practice with another human with my new bass. The thought of bearing the cold was very discouraging but I went. I went because although it may not always seem like the most appealing thing to do, I always come home happy and feeling satisfied. So-- we played a couple songs and attempted to write a couple others. I have been working on this bluesy, low, and sultry song for a little while and it just seemed like the pieces weren't fitting together. So, we decided to move on. Ryan messed around with a little guitar part that sounded incredibly inspiring, but for some reason the words just weren't coming. It wasn't a very productive night for us, but we moved on to me on the piano and him on the key board and ended the night playing around with some old songs we learned when we were kids. I love how we can transform writers block to something fun! All in all, it was a productive wonderful night- and we know the words and the music will come. . . we just have to be patient :)

1 comment:

  1. Patience is key... :) even though it might seem frustrating now. i know it'll come together in due time!
